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Club Field Trip to Earthaven Museum and Lena Quarry

Field trip to Earthaven Museum to tour the museum and collect mineral and fossil specimens at the Lena Quarry.  Earthaven Museum is located at 7599 Fifield Rd., Gillett, WI.  Meet at Earthaven at 10:00 am.  Tour museum in the morning, break for lunch courtesy of our hosts, Mike and Ruth Riesch who will lead us on a trip to the Lena Quarry in the afternoon. Marcasite, pyrite, sphalerite and calcite are some of the minerals present.  Fossils include crinoids, trilobites, cephalopods, gastrapods,  and brachiopods. Some coral and stromatolites found too. Club members register by sending your name by Sept. 15, 2018 to:

Earlier Event: August 23
Club Picnic
Later Event: December 14
Christmas Party/Holiday Gathering